Our Approach
The cornerstone of the OELP approach is our focus on classroom practice. We have experienced that it is not enough to focus on WHAT to teach. We need to also focus on HOW to teach. OELP focuses on capacity building of teachers, educators and stakeholders through:
Demonstration and Modeling
- Demonstration sites
- Onsite support
- Real time film clips
- Supportive materials
- Policy makers, officials and administrators
- Practitioners- teachers, NGO
representatives, field personnel - CBOs, local communities and parents
- Other stakeholders
The Four Blocks Framework
OELP uses the Four Block Framework for delivery of the Foundational Programme inside classrooms. Teachers have responded positively to this framework adapted by OELP (see diagram below) as simple and useful for aligning OELP’s pedagogies with the regular school curriculum.
Within the Four Block Framework opportunities are provided for reading, writing and numeracy at four levels of complexities :
- Code breaker- understanding that alphabets are sound symbols while numbers are symbols for quantity
- Meaning maker- actively engaging with symbols in meaningful ways
- Text user- engaging with texts and numbers in purposeful ways
- Text critic- responding to written texts, including number texts by expressing individual thoughts, ideas, opinions,
feelings, imaginations, reasoning etc.